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Action Breast Cancer charity in the black after ‘pink walk’

Completing the course left walkers with a great sense of satisfaction and the mood went up another notch or two when the soup and sandwiches were produced.

Saturday, 9 November 2013
9:10 AM GMT

Firstly, credit where it's due - fair play to the large group of women who braved wind and rain to take part in last Saturday's Herlihy's Centra, Fermoy endorsed 'pink walk' in aid of Action Breast Cancer.

Unfortunately, the heavens opened shortly after the walkers departed at 2pm but undaunted the resourceful volunteers pressed on. All through the walk spirits were high and everyone encouraged each other to the finish. The walk concluded at The Wagon Tavern where genial proprietor, Tom Aherne was waiting to greet the ladies.

Completing the course left walkers with a great sense of satisfaction and the mood went up another notch or two when the soup and sandwiches were produced.

Operations manager with Herlihy's Centra, Denis Murray thanked those who helped organize the event along with all the walkers who took part. He went on to say that Herlihy's Centra was delighted to be associated with such a worthy cause.

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