The ‘green agenda’ aims to ensure that nature remains unspoilt – that animal and vegetable species don’t go extinct – that everything can thrive and flower in its natural habitat. But that goes only as far as inter-connections are found...

Ar muin na muice!

‘Sí an mhuc is ciúine a itheann an bia’ Is dócha go bhfuil an ráiteas “muc sa phárlús” cloiste againn ó am go h-am agus ag féachaint ar an bhfógraíocht a chuireann Vodafone amach faoi láthair, shílfeá go bhfuil an...
If you saw RTÉ's "Centenary" last week, you might have heard a snippet of Gay Byrne's voice saying "The fact that an Irish schoolgirl died in a field, giving birth to her child, is a reproach to –" Byrne was...
Nearly three months after the crash which claimed the lives of her husband and her two children, Elber Twomey recalls: “A friend of mine, Father Mike, asked if I would pray for Marek”. Marek was the 26-year-old Polish man...
Is fíor-álainn an fís é i láthair na huaire bheith ag féachaint ar na h-uain óga ag damhsa ar fúd na páirceanna agus cuid acu gan bheith tagtha ar an saol ach seal beag agus na cosa ag lúbadh...
Last year, Taoiseach Enda Kenny claimed that ISIS wants to destroy Newgrange and the Rock of Cashel. Given Ireland’s lack of regard for its heritage, it’s a wonder we haven’t beaten them to it, writes Donal O’Keeffe. A century ago,...
When a solitary spark suddenly takes fire from the ashes and bursts into flame – it supplies us with a figure or symbol of the triumph of life over death … and a symbol which is shared by civilisations...

Draíocht na gréine

“Bhí an ghrian ag brath ar dhul faoi agus narbh álainn mar a d’fhág sí slán ag na fathaigh mhóra sléibhe sula ndeachaigh sí chun suain. Chuir sí na milte binn ar dhearglasadh. Rinne sí ór lonrach den charraig ar...
The contrived controversy about Gerry Adams failing to get into the White House Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations highlights the self-pity and naked opportunism at the heart of Sinn Fein’s “Hit me now with the Peace Process in me arms”...
Maybe we do too much ‘patting ourselves on the back’ around St. Patrick’s Day – but I still think that we in Ireland actually have at least some quite valid reasons for national pride. At times, we have even managed...

Avondhu Stories
