The brand new Gaelscoil building at Duntahane, Fermoy has been nominated in the Best Educational Building category of the All Ireland Community and Council Awards 2019.
It is one of four educational building across Ireland to be nominated and the final awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, February 9 in Croke Park Stadium.
Sean Mac Gearailt, principal at Gaelscoil de hIde is absolutely thrilled with the news and is looking forward to attending the awards ceremony on Saturday.
“We were a long time waiting for our new school building and we knew from the start that there was something special about it,” Mr Mac Gearailt told The Avondhu.
The school is designed in a triangular shape to allow for maximum light and is the only one of it’s type in the country, incorporating two beautiful courtyards.
The building is exceptionally energy efficient and is a credit to all the school community.
“This building is down to the work of the original team in 1982 whose dream it was so set up a state of the art gaelscoil in Fermoy. It is an honour to be nominated and we’re really looking forward to being there on Saturday.”
Best of luck to all!