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Farming News from North Cork, South Tipperary, East Limerick and West Waterford.

North Cork farmer inspires with tale of transition

Erica Coates from Kildinan in North Cork, was the focus of much media attention in recent weeks, following a contribution that she made to...

Key measures in place as Glanbia Ireland’s network of Agribusiness branches...

A series of key measures to maintain social distancing and prioritise health and safety are in place as all of Glanbia Ireland’s Agribusiness branches...

Get Ireland Growing initiative – giveaway worth €10k

Energia and GIY have been getting Ireland growing with the distribution of 1,000 free GROWBoxes to homes nationwide during lockdown. Now they have announced...

Embrace remembrance service Sunday

Farm families are reminded that the annual remembrance service held by Embrace FARM this year takes place online this Sunday, 28th June at 2pm. Coinciding with...

Forests and timber provide multiple benefits for our society, economy and...

By Mark McAuley - Director Of Forest Industries Ireland Forests and timber provide multiple benefits for our society, economy and environment. Ireland’s forests are an ideal...

Feed your mental health, boost your ‘bouncebackability’ and more

Farmers and their families, along with everyone in the rural community, are invited to a series of live online ‘meet-ups’, all part of the...

NPA cancel trade exhibition 2020 but hope to run national ploughing...

The National Ploughing Association (NPA) have cancelled the National Ploughing Trade Exhibition due to take place in Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co Carlow from September 15th to...

Minister Creed reminds farmers of 15th May Deadline of online submission...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, TD today reminded farmers that the deadline to submit their 2020 Basic Payment Scheme...

GLAS payments for farmers ‘should be brought forward’

Payments for farmers under the GLAS scheme have been brought forward, and were due to reach farmer’s bank account early this week, according to...

Agritxt providing cattle permit service free of charge

Agritxt, based in Doneraile, Co. Cork, wants to help farmers and due to the suspension of Bord Bia audits for 2 months they have time...

Avondhu Stories
