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Isn't it very easy to understand the frustration and perhaps bitterness that's being felt by the people of Kildorrery who are being fobbed off with empty promises and piecemeal solutions regarding the upgrading of their seriously inadequate water supply?
While admitting to know nothing about the technical side of things, but building a new reservoir without replacing a 2.4 kilometer of pipeline that has contributed all along to Kildorrery's woes, does not make sense - surely a case of putting the car before the horse?
And to think that the replacement of the pipe in question will not even be considered 'until the next work programme of 2016-2018' is simply ludicrous!
Beating around the bush by not giving timelines for work to be done seems to be par for the course for Irish Water. This debacle seems to be another case of throwing good money after bad. Doing the latter of course is no problem to Irish Water!
Another good piece of PR for those calling to have Irish Water disbanded. Can we blame them?
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