L-r: John O'Donoghue, Maurice Reidy, James Hackett and Lorraine Hackett, who attended last weekend's exhibition in Ballyporeen Community Centre. (Pic: John Ahern)

40 years ago, one of the most powerful people in the world was American President, Ronald Reagan. An actor turned politician, research revealed that President Reagan's ancestors came from the south Tipperary village of Ballyporeen.

It did take time and effort, however, with the necessary goodwill from governments on both sides of the Atlantic, the much anticipated visit became a reality.

On Sunday, 3rd June, 1984, a helicopter, with the president and his entourage on board, landed in a field, a short distance outside the village. One of Ballyporeen's most famous sons had come home. 

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition