The nationwide programme of events for Africa Day 2024 has been launched, with the Cork county event set to take place on Saturday, 25th May at Mallow Library.
Africa Day is the annual worldwide celebration of the people, cultures, and potential of the African continent and this year, all 31 Local Authorities across Ireland will host various cultural, artistic, and family-friendly events. These will include contemporary African-Irish culture, as well as family fun days, fashion, art, film, music, dance, and food events, which will take place in towns and cities across Ireland.
As part of Africa Day Cork county, the following activities are planned:
The ‘Africa Day Drumming Workshops’ (11.30am to 12.30pm and from 2.15pm to 3.15pm) at Mallow Library, Thomas Davis Street, with African drumming workshops for beginners led by Patrick Naughton from African Drumming Ireland;
The prizegiving for the Art Competition and Exhibition will take place at 2pm at Mallow Library, where children and teenagers are invited to submit artwork with the theme ‘Africa Day’, and with an exhibition of artwork from children and teenagers from Drishane Accommodation Centre. The deadline for participation in this event is 22nd May;
The ‘Free Family Day’ will take place from 12.30pm to 2.30pm at Mallow Library, with music, food and an art exhibition.
Minister of State for International Development and Diaspora, Seán Fleming T.D., who launched Africa Day 2024 with representatives of the African diaspora community in Ireland, said: “I am delighted to launch the programme for Africa Day 2024. Ireland has growing trade, political and cultural links across the continent of Africa. Africa Day is an opportunity to promote those links and learn more about the diversity and vibrancy of African cultures.”
“The Department of Foreign Affairs is working with local authorities around Ireland on a nationwide programme of events,” he said.
This year’s Africa Day Cork City is taking place from Monday, 20th of May to Saturday, 25th of May at various locations.
For more information visit: www.AfricaDay.ie or social media channels.