A catchy tune called ‘Zoom Boom Baby,’ has popped up in recent days on social media and on radio, and it’s hard to get out of your head.
Castlelyons Gospel Choir and Berlin-based singer Moylan Brunnock, are the creative forces behind the song, which is catching its share of attention.
Like all good collaborations, there was plenty of talent behind the track. Members of the Castlelyons Gospel Choir provided the lyrics for the song, a backing track came courtesy of the choir’s pianist Sarah Hall and her fiancé, Rory Dillon; Fiona O’Brien who directs the choir composed the melody, while Moylan Brunnock sang the vocals.
The idea for creating an entirely original song stemmed from the Castlelyons group coming to terms with the ‘new normal’ of life under lockdown.
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition