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Clondulane residents angered by water cuts

Some householders in Clondulane were left fuming after two unannounced breaks left them without water last week.

Sunday, 17 November 2013
11:15 AM GMT

Residents of Clondulane were angry after two unannounced breaks left them without water last week. The interruptions to supply occurred on Wednesday and Thursday last.

Some householders were left fuming after arriving home from work to find no water to shower or prepare meals while they were also unable to use heating systems.

"It's an absolute disgrace, we got no notification either time, no-one knew the cause or could tell us how long the water was going to be off for," one homeowner, who didn't want to be named, told The Avondhu.

Cllr Noel McCarthy had sympathy with residents, who have suffered ongoing interruptions in their water supply. He's tabled a motion for the Northern Area Committee of Cork County Council on Monday next, calling on the county council, in the event of a planned interruption, to contact the local radio station and make an announcement informing people of the interruption to supply, the reason for it and expected duration.

"They should do the same in the case of non-planned breaks," he said, within six hours elapsing, informing people of the problem and when it will be fixed and water supply restored. "It's not good enough that people come home and find their water off, without notice," he said.

The communication difficulty arises, he said, because water matters are now being handled by Cork and not locally.

Now that Clondulane is hooked up to the new water main on the Courthouse Road in Fermoy, frequent water breaks are set to become a thing of the past, not a day too soon for beleagured householders there.

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