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Recently, the participants on the Towards Occupation Programme, Mitchelstown, welcomed the Galtee Toastmasters to their Christmas gathering.
Mary Meeney, President, and member Máire Corbett, delivered an information session to the group about being a member of the toastmasters, which was very interesting for the participants.
The Towards Occupation Programme is designed to assist people to develop the skills and confidence to move into education, training, voluntary work, employment or other directions. Participants are supported, as they explore a range of new skills and set achievable goals whilst also focusing on confidence building, communications skills and increasing self belief.
Currently, this course is running in conjunction with the Ballyhoura Development’s Rural Employment Service. This service provides a combination of flexible one to one support, guidance and training to people who are unemployed in our community.
The Ballyhoura Rural Employment Service also runs an employment clinic in their Mitchelstown office on Baldwin Street on the first and third Wednesdays of every month by appointment. So call in or call 025-85213 to make an appointment to meet with employment officer Kate Lennon.
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