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Living with loss, grief or change course in Mitchelstown

The ‘Seasons for Growth – Grief, Loss and Change in Life’ course will be facilitated by tutors from the Social and Health Education Project in Cork.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014
7:55 AM GMT

Sometimes people don't know how to cope with a sudden life changing event, such as losing a loved one through death, separation or divorce, losing a job or dealing with a drastic change in circumstances and to help people through these difficult times, Mitchelstown Committee are once again offering a course in the town.

The 'Seasons for Growth - Grief, Loss and Change in Life' course will be facilitated by tutors from the Social and Health Education Project in Cork.

The course starts on Thursday, February 6 in the Ozanam Centre on Thomas Street in Mitchelstown and it costs €5 per night. It will run for eight weeks from 7.30pm until 10pm on Thursday nights and there are usually up to ten participants in a group.

It will provide the opportunity for people to meet in a safe and confidential setting, so that they can start to look at and understand the impact that the loss or change is having on their lives, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

One of the organisers, explained that an experience such as job loss, separation and divorce bring about change, both for individuals and the family as a whole.

"Learning to deal with these issues is central to personal wellbeing and happiness. The purpose of this course is to provide people with knowledge, skills and an opportunity to look at the attitudes, feelings and thoughts they may be experiencing about the situation they find themselves in. Gaining skills and understanding can help people to begin to come to terms with these changes and manage their everyday lives in a more fulfilling way," HSE worker Brendan Scahill added. 

If you are interested in booking a place on the course, please contact the Ozanam Centre on 025-84733, Sadie on 025-85213 or Pat McCarthy, SHEP on 021-4666180.

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