Castlelyons Community Drama Group brings this hilarious production by Tommy Marren to the stage this February. It is packed full of humour, intrigue, suspense and shock.
Set in 1964 rural Ireland, ‘The Real McCoy’ is a huge success story having played to over 80 sold-out shows in Galway, Letterkenny, Mullingar Chicago, Bermingham, and Dublin.
Castlelyons Drama Group are thrilled to have the opportunity to take to the boards with this crowd-pleaser at the local Community Centre. The play is packed with witty one-liners and a fascinating storyline
Aiding and abetting the strong storyline are experienced characters such as Neilius Murphy playing Tom who reappears after a prolonged absence to seek forgiveness from his long suffering wife, beautifully played by Helen Bennett and the daughter he has never known – Maura, played by All Ireland winner Ellen Quirke.
Addiing to the hilarity is nosey neighbour Nora played by Mary Barry Donnelllan, backed up by her daughter Cora played by Deirdre O’Sullivan. Much of the comedy is played by Peter O’Leary as Martin the postman and Father McCoy is subtly handled by Dermot O’Sullivan.
Direction is in the hands of co-conspirators Donal Howard and Denis Buckley whose experience will bring something special to this production.
This play takes its audience back on a nostalgic trip in time, depecting the wit, banter and tradition of the Irish, it’s a total hoot and is not to be missed.
There will be five performances on the 7th, 8th and 9th February also on the 15th and 16th February. Curtain up is at 8pm sharp.
Tickets available through phone booking on 085-7746325 or at the door each night.