Employees who often take their dog to work report 22% higher satisfaction with working conditions.

A new report, ‘Taking Dogs into the Office’ is the first to quantify the benefits and the impact of dogs in the office on work-related and dog-related outcomes.

The research measured parameters such as employees’ engagement and wellbeing or their control over decisions at work, and analyses how the bond between dogs and their owners can be reinforced by being together as well in the office.

A common myth until now has been that taking dogs into the office could be distracting. However, employees who take their dog to work report increased absorption in their work by a significant 33.4% and in their dedication to work by 16.5% – compared to the norm, with an overall increase in work engagement of 14.4%.

In fact, researchers suggest that the presence of a friendly dog may increase motivation and attention to set tasks.

Employers' pay attention!

The research demonstrates that bringing pets to work increases employees’ performance and productivity and reduces employees’ intention to leave their job.

These outcomes highlight potential benefits for companies that allow employees to bring their pets to work.

Their employees may be more engaged and productive, and the company might be able to reduce their recruitment costs by avoiding the potential loss of their own talent.

A dog's life

From the dog’s perspective, being able to go to the office with their owner may also be beneficial.

Many dogs are left alone for long periods of time, and separation related problems are recognised as one of the most important threats to domestic dog welfare.

Therefore, spending more time together also helps strengthen the bond between pets and pet-owners. 

Currently, 22 countries have established Pets at Work programmes. The report was sponsored by Purina Human-Animal Bond Studies sponsorship program.