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The fine hard days of the past few weeks tells us springtime is well and truly here with summer hot on its heels. The usual predictions will abound as to whether we can expect a fine summer or not but – let’s be optimistic!
This is the time of year when community groups shake off the winter cobwebs and crank themselves back into gear with pride of place coming to the fore. There is much work to be done in every community. The more enthused among us however, do not allow the cobwebs to gather and continue the fight to keep their areas looking resplendent, even in winter.
Sad to say however, the cobwebs have been allowed to well and truly settle on the streets of Mitchelstown. Up and down the main street, one doesn’t have to put on the specs to see that a brush of any kind hasn’t been used on the main street for for waht appears to be months now as the gutters are thick with cigarette butts and other litter. It would appear that the sweeping machine has been relegated to a shed somewhere because it hasn’t made an appearance for a long time now.
Considering the fact that a single cigarette butt is deemed to be litter in Tidy Towns terms, the streets should be swept on a regular basis – winter as well as summer. It is little consolation to those who have stumped up their €100 household charge payments in order to support local services such as the cleaning of their streets.
Isn’t it high time the council got the finger out (and the sweeper!)?
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