‘The Chief’ held in high esteem – 101st Liam Lynch commemoration held

Lone pipe Kathleen Fitzgerald, playing a lament with the colour party in the background.

By Tom Hennessy

The Liam Lynch National Commemoration Committee held their annual commemoration to Liam Lynch on Sunday, 14th July in the Knockmealdown Mountains, 101 years since the ‘Chief of Staff’ of the IRA was shot on the slopes of the mountains while trying to evade free state forces.

The Commemoration began with a march to the round tower monument which was led by lone pipe Kathleen Fitzgerald who hails from Liam Lynch’s home place of Anglesboro, while Tony Kelly of Killenaule led the colour party. Chairman of the committee, Sean Nugent, welcomed everyone and said a considerable length of time has passed since Liam’s death, but time has not dimmed the memory of the contribution and the sacrifice he made in the cause of Irish freedom.

Year after year people come to this commemoration to remember him. The audience may have changed over the years but the commitment to remember him remains the same.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition