Taking to the streets in Conna

Enjoying last Sunday's street festival in Conna were, l-r: Julia Witnik, Amelia Dowling, Shaylin Quirke and Macy McGuinness. (Pic: John Ahern)

The very best in live music, a large crowd and a carnival atmosphere were the ingredients for a very successful street festival in Conna last weekend. 

Organisers were also very fortunate that the worst of the bad weather stayed away, which allowed revellers relax and unwind out of doors. 


Popular wedding band, Hell For Leather, the highly rated Paddy Bhoys, along with the ever popular Colin & Ellie kept the party going for much of Sunday afternoon, with Fermoy based DJ Harper Feerick, taking over later in the evening. Newcomer, Michael Byrne, received a tremendous welcome when he took to the stage and it seems only a matter of time before this talented singer songwriter breaks through on the national scene.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition