The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection would like to advise those who have been made unemployed as a result of the fire in Douglas Shopping Centre at the weekend to contact their local Intreo Centre to apply for social welfare support.
The Department has also set up a phone number and email address where those affected can get information and advice on social welfare entitlements.
The contact phone number is 021 4943144. It is open from 10.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (including lunchtime).
The email address is
The Department’s Intreo Service in Cork city is also available for information and advice.

Intreo Centres in Cork
- Abbey Court House, George’s Quay,
- Cork Intreo Centre, Hanover Street, Cork
Opening hours for these Intreo Centres are:
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 9.15am to 5.00pm (including lunchtime)
- Thursday: 10.15am to 5.00pm (including lunchtime)
- Friday: 9.15am to 4.30pm (including lunchtime)
Post Office Arrangements
Arrangements have been made for social welfare customers who, up to now, attended the Post Office in Douglas Shopping Centre to attend the Post Office in SuperValu, Blackrock instead where they can collect their Child Benefit and other welfare payments.
Social Welfare Branch Offices
There are a number of Social Welfare Branch Offices in Cork available for employees and employers living in those areas.
Details on the opening hours for these offices follow.