When Mitchelstown hosted its inaugural event of Darkness Into Light last year, over 2,000 people participated and up to a hundred people volunteered their services which was simply amazing.
No wonder then that last year’s success has prompted the organisers in Mitchelstown and surrounds to re-engage with Pieta house and to run the ‘Darkness into Light’ event in the community again this year on the 6th of May at 4.15am.
The registration lines for Pieta House ‘Darkness into Light’ (DIL) event are opened (www.dil.ie) and chairperson Michelle Cooke said Pieta is hoping that as many people as possible will register online.
“To this end, there is an early bird price of €20 for adults, but only until this Friday, March 31st. Seniors, students and job seekers are asked to pay €15 and children under 15 are free.”
“We in the committee, have set up registration dates in April, the first to be held on Friday 21st in the Leisure Centre between 5.00-7.00pm. This will be followed by registration in Tesco on Saturday, 22nd of April between 11.00am and 3.00pm. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mitchelstown Community Leisure Centre, Tesco and our volunteers for their generosity of time and spirit.”
Michelle added that registration will take place in Hickeys, Fermoy closer to the event and that registration dates will be featured on the website, social media and here in The Avondhu newspaper.
“We would like to invite volunteers to register on the Mitchelstown venue page on www.dil.ie or to contact myself on mcooke35@hotmail.com or with one of the committee if they wish to contribute in any way to the event. We are looking forward to your continued support this year. Let’s shine the light for one another on May 6th.
The Mitchelstown DIL committee is made up of Michelle Cooke chairperson, Carmel Donnellan secretary, Eileen Harrington volunteer co-ordinator, Aisling Lewis media, Ben Lynch treasurer and John Hennessey stewarding coordinator.