Schools and families invited to take a ‘CyberBreak’ this Friday

Schools and families are being encouraged to get on board and sign up now to participate in taking a much needed 24-hour break from the online world – as CyberBreak runs from this Friday evening.

Recent research from Ireland’s online safety charity,CyberSafeKids, found that 93% of children aged 8-12yrs own a smart device and 84% are signed up to social media and messaging apps, despite being under the minimum age requirement of 13 for all of the popular sites.  

Families should now embrace the opportunity of having device-free time to discuss how they can find a healthy balance between their online and offline lives and to make it a fun-filled and memorable day for the whole family. CyberSafeKids is delighted to be hosting its fourth annual CyberBreak, which runs from 5pm on Friday, 20th October to 5pm Saturday, 21st October.


To help prepare for the day itself, schools and families can find the following resources at

Classroom Activities: short talks from author and psychotherapist, Richard Hogan on the benefits of taking a digital break for both primary and post-primary school aged children as well as some activity ideas to challenge pupils to think about life offline and what it was like in the olden days before smart devices!

Family Fun Guide: over 38 fun ideas and delicious recipes from Lilly Higgins to help families plan their time offline.

Top Online Safety Tips: our top tips for parents and caregivers to help keep your kids safer online.

For more information and top tips, visit where you will find lots of helpful resources, top tips and advice.