Rathcormac torc that fetched over £45K gone for ‘further study’

The ancient Celtic silver "ribbon" torc, which sold for in excess of €45,000.

An ancient torc, found near Rathcormac in the 1880s, recently sold at auction for £45,200, inclusive of buyer’s premium..

Dating from around 500 B.C. to 500 A.D., the item has now been handed to a ‘local institution for further study’ before its new owner takes possession, the auctioneers who handled the sale, Lyon and Turnbull, have stated.

Alex Tweedy, Tribal Arts and Antiques, Lyon and Turnbull explained that the ‘Rathcormac Hoard’, to which the torc belongs, is the only known hoard of ancient silver found on the island of Ireland.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition