At this stage there aren’t many people who don’t know about the outstanding work being done by the staff at Marymount Hospice.
This excellent facility is heavily dependent on fundraising and over the last two decades, Rathcormac has been exceptionally supportive.
Their fundraising formula involves the hosting of a coffee morning in the local community centre and once the word goes out the money comes in – the event is also a great social event.
When the coins and notes were counted following the coffee morning, the final total came to €3,145 – a fantastic sum by any standard.
The impressive cheque was presented to Marymount Hospice representative, Doreen Walsh in The Rathcormac Inn last Friday night. D
oreen thanked everyone involved in the fundraiser, especially the bakers and tea/coffee makers before congratulated the organising committee on doing such an outstanding job.
Following formalities, all present were treated to refreshments courtesy of The Rathcormac Inn.