Playground in Curraghagalla NS revamped


Playground in Curraghagalla NS revamped

Parents and some students of Curraghagalla NS, came together one Saturday morning and transformed the playground into a kaleidoscope of colour in a matter of hours.

Saturday, 12 October 2013
7:00 PM GMT

Students of Curraghagalla NS, returned to school this year, to find that their blank canvas of a playground had been transformed into a haven of games, paintings and vibrant colour.

Principal Anne O'Sullivan explained that the children came up with ideas about what they wanted to include and designed some of the areas, while SNA Marie Keane painted all of the templates.

The parents and some students then came together one Saturday morning and brought the templates to life, as the playground was transformed into a kaleidoscope of colour in a matter of hours.

Ms O'Sullivan said that the paintings on the playground surface means that the area has become like an outdoor classroom and it's a much more interactive play area for the children than it was before.

"It's also more visually attractive and they are getting great use out of it," she said.

The teachers are also currently getting ideas from the students about a mural for the shed and weather permitting, they hope to have this completed before Christmas, which will add another splash of colour to the school grounds.

The Principal added that the students being involved in projects like this also ties in with their Active Flag efforts.

The school are also in the process of applying for their first Green Flag, for litter and waste reduction. To achieve this, a committee was made up of representatives from different classes and coordinators Anne O'Sullivan and Marie Keane worked with the students to help them to assess and reduce waste, recycle and put good practices in place that they could also use at home.

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