Over 1 million steps later, Derry and Pips reach finish line

Pictured at The Hut Bar in Watergrasshill, Edward (Pips) O'Connell and Derry Desmond with supporters as they pass through the village.

Eleven days of walking came to a hard-earned finish on Tuesday as two Watergrasshill men reached their final destination on a fundraising walk from Malin to Mizen Head.

Derry Desmond and Edward ‘Pips’ O’Connell reached Mizen Head, the most southerly point in Ireland on Tuesday after setting out from Malin Head, the most northerly point, in a bid to raise funds for Le Cheile Africa, a charity based in Kenya founded by Derry and his partner, Mary Kigo.

Undertaking what has been described as ‘the challenge of a lifetime’, the two men set out on foot, walking the entire length of Ireland and even adding on a few kilometres to make sure to pass through their homeplace of Watergrasshill en route.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition