Clogheen is to have three new driver feedback signs erected in the village following a successful fundraising drive that included a grant from the Clár funding scheme.
The new signs will cost €13,000 to install with 85% of the fee provided by central government.
Clonmel Municipal District will contribute 10% of the costs, with locals donating the remaining 5%. The new signs will be positioned on the approach road from the Vee, Parsons Green and the approach road from Ballyporeen.
Local Fine Gael Councillor, Marie Murphy, said the signs would be a welcome addition to the village.
“I am delighted the new driver feedback signs will be erected in the coming weeks. I was actively involved in securing the new signs for Clogheen and I also welcome the news that both Ballylooby and Goatenbridge were successful in their applications. It is great news and the new signs will certainly be a welcome addition to the respective villages,” added Cllr Murphy.