A new specific day care service for dementia sufferers is due to open in Mitchelstown and will operate each Tuesday from the day centre at Tearmann Ui Chaiomh, James Street in the town.
The service in Mitchelstown will form part of the overall service provision for Alzheimer’s patients and their families in North Cork. A full 5 week service already exists in Mallow and another one day service is located at Conna Day Care centre in Conna each Wednesday.
Speaking at the launch of the new service, spokesperson from Mitchelstown Senior Citizens Project Delia Tobin, welcomed the news and said that she has no doubt that there be will be a huge interest in the service.
“It is fitting that an Alzheimer service be located in Mitchelstown as traditionally the Alzheimer’s Society received great support from the Mitchelstown community. Generic day care also operates on Mondays and Wednesdays at Tearmonn Ui Chaiomh. This new service development is supported by HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare,” added Ms Tobin.
Dementia adviser Amy Murphy, said she was ‘absolutely thrilled’ with the news that the new centre was coming to Mitchelstown and it was great to see development and local involvement.
“Communities like Mitchelstown are pivotal because people want to stay at home. I have seen the importance of communities, neighbours and the GAA clubs and this new facility will be a step forward for the Alzheimer Society.”
Each year over 4,000 people develop dementia. That’s at least 11 people every day and anyone can get dementia – even people in their 30s/40s/50s. One in 10 people diagnosed with dementia in Ireland are under 65.
If you would like further information on this new service in Mitchelstown or existing services which operate at Tearmonn Ui Chaiomh, James Street, please contact Nurse Dympna Howard or Delia Tobin on 087-0927878.