New Charleville candidate emerges for 2014 local elections
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Charleville community activist Aileen Browne is to seek a Fine Gael nomination to contest next year’s local elections.
The daughter of Kathleen and the late Michael Browne, Aileen is well known in her native Charleville from her involvement with the Tidy Towns and local Community Forum. She comes from a strong Fine Gael background and worked on the election campaigns of Finance Minister Michael Noonan and Kieran O’Donnell TD in the last general election.
Aileen told The Avondhu this week that she is delighted to be in a position to contest the Fine Gael convention for the newly drawn up Fermoy Electoral Area. “I’ve always had a deep interest in both politics and community work emanating from my days as a student in UCC where I was vice president of the Student Union and more recently in my various roles within the wider Charleville community,” she explained.
Aileen works as an area manager with the Irish Blood Transfusion Services.
She’s looking forward to the Fine Gael convention which she hopes “will be sooner rather than later” and says that, if selected “I would relish the opportunity of listening and engaging with the entire community during the course of my campaign.”
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