National Museum seeking memories of nurses and midwives

This midwifery bag c1900 is featured in an ongoing exhibition about community midwives in the National Museum at Turlough Park, Co. Mayo. (Picture: National Museum of Ireland)

People are being invited to contribute stories and memories about community midwives in the 19th and 20th century as part of a project led by the National Museum of Ireland. 

The lives and contributions of a number of nurses and midwives have already been incorporated into an ongoing exhibition and events programme exploring the history of rural midwifery at the National Museum of Ireland in Turlough Park, Castlebar.

The stories can be submitted to a national history and heritage archive, available at  

“We’d like to hear from more people across Ireland to further expand on this community-led historical research into midwifery,” explained Lorna Elms, iCAN Development Officer with the National Museum of Ireland.  

“Community midwives provided a vital network of healthcare provision for women in rural Ireland – sustaining the lives of mothers and babies during birth – often in very challenging conditions. The exhibition and archive project acknowledges and celebrates their contributions.” 


The midwifery project is delivered by the Irish Community Archive Network (iCAN) – an initiative by the National Museum of Ireland, the Heritage Council and participating local authority Heritage Officers across Ireland. 

A number of local historians and community researchers will present talks on their research so far at a special iCAN event at the National Museum in Turlough Park to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March.  

Clandestine revolutionary activities; an island midwife in the 1930s; and a Jubilee nurse on Queen Mary’s Christmas card list are just some of the stories that will be shared.  

This is a free event but booking is required – visit; telephone (094) 90 31751 or email  

Go to to contribute your own stories or memories of midwives in your area.