RTE Nationwide will feature the age friendly town of Mitchelstown to see how older people are reaping the benefits of a number of initiatives in the town on RTE Nationwide (tonight, Wednesday October 2) on RTE One at 7pm and RTE+1 at 8pm.
The programme aims to promote Positive Ageing Week (PAW) which celebrates ageing and the contribution and agency of older people. It takes place this year from Sun 30th Sept – Sat 6th October 2019.
Ageing in Place is the theme for PAW 2019 which is about ensuring that people having choice and control over where and how they age; central to achieving this goal is the creation of age friendly environments, including support services, which enable people to remain in their own homes and communities for longer.
Tune in to RTE One at 7pm tonight to learn more, you might recognise a familiar face or two.