St. Brigid’s Presentation Primary School in Midleton has been named Healthy Heroes Star School for November 2024, thanks to the staff and students’ efforts in promoting healthy eating. The school has come first among hundreds of primary schools across the island of Ireland in the programme which aims to educate children on nutrition, physical activity and how to maintain and enjoy healthy lunchtime habits, in school and at home.
Designed by teachers and behaviour change experts with the support of Dr. Mary McCreery, one of Ireland’s leading consultant nutritionists and dieticians, Healthy Heroes gives children the opportunity to foster valuable leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, all while learning to stay active and eat healthily. Now in its tenth year, the programme allows pupils to learn about nutrition, while helping to boost children’s activity levels in a supportive learning environment.
The programme, which is also supported by the Irish Bread Bakers Association (IBBA) and Bord Bia, involves a novel peer learning approach with sixth class students mentoring younger students on the importance of nutrition and being active. This provides the younger children with important role models, while the older children have an opportunity to harness effective leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.
Speaking about the programme, Juliet Murphy, Deputy Principal at St. Bridget’s Primary School, Midleton, said the programme gave children ‘leadership skills’.
“The Healthy Heroes programme has aligned beautifully with our wellness policies and our newly implemented hot school meals programme. It’s brought everything together by giving children the leadership skills to make informed, healthy choices in their daily lives.”
The positive feedback from teachers and students alike showcases how Healthy Heroes is an important opportunity and enjoyable way to develop positive attitudes towards food choices, nutrition and being active. Incorporating these habits from a young age and in a playful environment will make a big difference as they grow older.”
For more information on how schools can get involved in the Healthy Heroes programme, visit Irishbread.ie or email healthyheroes@realnation.ie