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Two full size soccer pitches, an Astroturf area, dressing rooms, a running/walking track and car park all feature in the plans which are being prepared for new facilities for Kilworth Celtic FC. Established back in 1996 the club is delighted to have now acquired a five acre site on which to build their new complex. Plans are being drawn up at present and when ready, they’ll be shown to locals.
“We welcome local community involvement,” Gus Shanahan of Kilworth Celtic said. “We believe the facilities we’re planning will enhance those already provided in Kilworth for sport. The track, in particular, can be used by members of the public,” he pointed out.
The soccer club’s lotto has been on the go for a number of years and is their main way of raising funds. On Tuesday night local resident Joan McSweeney scooped the jackpot of €13,950. “Joan is a regular contributor to our lotto and we’re delighted she’s come up lucky,” Gus said.
As the club prepares to enter an exciting new phase in its development, extra fundraising is needed to bring their plans to fruition. The first event to be organised is a race night being held this Friday night, March 15th in The Village Inn. It begins at 8pm sharp with 14 races being sold, with eight horses per race. It promises to be a lively and enjoyable night and all are welcome to attend and help the club in its efforts to bring a substantial new amenity to the area.
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