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Kildorrery Hillfest a hit – planning for 2016 under way

Hillfest 2015 was a resounding success and Kildorrery Festival committee would like to extend heartfelt thanks to everyone …

Sunday, 12 July 2015
8:00 AM GMT

Hillfest 2015 was a resounding success and Kildorrery Festival committee would like to extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who shared their creativity, efficiency and endless generosity in any way to help make the four day event so enjoyable for all the community.

This was once again a joint effort between Kildorrery GAA and Kildorrery Community Development in the grounds of The Old Creamery Yard on Fermoy Road.

The festival commenced on Thursday, 2nd  July with an evening for the ladies with Claire Cullinane entitled ‘Colour & Image’. This was very well supported and guests enjoyed a most informative chat from Claire while also getting to see some beautiful items of clothing superbly modelled by some local ladies.

Friday, 3th July was bingo night which once again was very well supported, congratulations to all the winners. After the bingo, the focus was on the first event of its kind in Kildorrery, ‘live mouse racing’. Needless to say the excitement was intense as the flag was raised for each race. Niamh Magner was outstanding as mouse handler and deserves a special mention. Congratulations also to all the winners.

A most informative Heritage Walk took place on Saturday afternoon under the guidance of Frank McCarthy. This was very interesting and was a lovely insight to the history of our village and parish.

Saturday was the big music night which saw local band Present Tense on stage first at 9pm, followed by Paddy Casey and then by The Amazing Apples who were in turn followed by an 80s v 90s disco. All in all it was a brilliant night of music.

Sunday, 5th July was the family fun day and it’s safe to say there was something for everyone in the family and thankfully the rain stayed away.

Holding and organising a  festival is without doubt a team and community effort and the committee are truly grateful to the local and wider community for your support. Hillfest 2016 will take place the first weekend in July and plans are already under way. Watch this space!

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