Castlelyons Community Drama had a big decision to make last autumn after their production of JB Keane’s The Field. A huge box office success, an appearance at Ballyduff Drama Festival, a hall cramming performance in Rathcormac – this was going to be a hard act to follow.
The answer became obvious, another of JB Keane’s classic masterpieces was on the cards. ‘Big Maggie’ was the choice and in the words of director Denis Buckley it is an enthralling story of a woman who has had deal a dysfunctional marriage and a demanding and difficult family. All this is layered with JBs sense of humour and fun.
Who better than a Kerry woman to tackle the role of Maggie herself, Anne Flynn has stunned everybody in rehearsal and is bringing a fresh and delightful oomph to this iconic role.
Maggie’s family, two boys and two girls – the boys are being played by Des O’Keeffe and Peter O’Leary who are well known to Castlelyons audiences. Maggie’s 2 daughters – Katie and Gert – are being played by two newcomers to the group, namely Andrea Kidd and Daphne Decosta. Daphne, an American now living in Ireland brings an international flavour to the production. The salesman and Casanova of the piece is portrayed by Paul Donnella.
The humour and fun of the production is in the capable hands of Neilius Murphy. Mrs Madden and her daughter Mary are beautifully portrayed by Cora Collins and Deirdre O’Sullivan. Further fun is added to the plot by the old couple Mary Barry Donnellan and Donal Howard.
Production is by Denis Buckley and four performances are planned on Saturday 17th and Sunday, 18th February – also Saturday 24th and Sunday, 25th February at 8pm. A fun night of drama and fun is guaranteed. Booking enquiries from Michelle Fenton 086-8370480 or Trish Lawlor 086-8288285.