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Friars’ Gate Theatre are delighted to announce that Isla Grant returns on March 3 for a one night only concert. Tickets now booking.
On this Sunday at 3pm, Friars’ Gate will screen 'Safety Last' (1923). Starring Harold Lloyd and Mildred Davis, 'Safety Last' is a silent movie with live music performed by pianist Morgan Cooke and is perhaps Lloyd’s most famous feature.
On A riotous adventure of laughs, stunts and action, it includes the iconic film moment where Lloyd dangles off the face of a clock high above a busy street. Presented in association with Access Cinema and the Jameson Dublin International Film Festival 2013. Tickets €6. Family tickets available.
Open Mic Night – Chapter and Verse
Friars' gate first 'Open Mic Night' of 2013 will be held on Friday, 22nd Feb at 8pm. Join us for an eclectic mix of writings. Budding and established writers are invited to share their work in a relaxed atmosphere. Just want to listen? Sit back and enjoy an evening with a difference. Pieces should be no longer than 5-7mins and admission is free.
On Sunday 3rd March, Scotland’s most popular singer-songwriter, Isla Grant makes a welcome return visit to Ireland. Isla's interaction with her audience and the atmosphere at her live shows is a joy to behold and as always the show will feature a guest spot by her husband Al. Tickets €25 are now on sale.
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