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SuperValu retailers in Cork are calling on the county to get behind this year’s SuperValu Tidy Towns competition. Michael Riordan (Riordan's SuperValu, Fermoy) and Alan Reidy (Reidy's SuperValu, Mitchelstown) made the call as the competition officially kicked off for 2013. This year is the 22nd year of SuperValu involvement with TidyTowns and the second year of SuperValu’s title sponsorship.
Speaking at the launch Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu said: “We are delighted to continue and build on our long term partnership with Tidy Towns. Our retailers across the country pride themselves on being at the centre of the communities in which they live and trade. Throughout our 22 year association with Tidy Towns, SuperValu has always been passionate about doing everything we can to help our communities shine.
"I would like to pay tribute to the hard work and dedication of so many people across the country who have made this one of the longest running and most successful community initiatives in the world. I would encourage people to talk to their local SuperValu retailer or visit to find out more and realise the huge rewards in taking an active part in their own community.”
The closing date for receipt of entries for this year is 23rd May, 2013.
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