IT for the workplace


IT for the workplace

Those who completed the course last year reported that the training gave them the confidence to consider pursuing a career which involved IT related activities.

Sunday, 14 April 2013
5:00 AM GMT

Avondhu Blackwater first ran an IT for the workplace course last year and it proved very popular with participants. The emphasis is on industries in Ireland where employment opportunities are growing. All of the employment opportunities require extensive use of IT.

The course is designed to encourage participants to consider such career opportunities. There’s an emphasis on a jargon-free simple explanation of IT and its uses. The programme is broad-based to fully expose all aspects of IT to participants.

Those who completed the course last year reported that the training gave them the confidence to consider pursuing a career which involved IT related activities.

The IT industry is full of jargon and terms around its various components such as in computer programming, Cloud technology, industrial robotics and android/iPhone applications can seem complicated. All of these areas and more are covered in an easy to understand and interesting manner.

The course begins on April 22 in Mallow. As it is funded under the LCDP programme, it’s free of charge and will not affect Social Welfare entitlements. Priority will be given to those on the live register, however a small percentage of places are available for those who are unemployed but not on the live register. Places are limited so anyone interested should contact Avondhu Blackwater Partnership immediately to secure a place.

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