Gold for green-fingered Castlelyons NS

Castlelyons NS brought home a Gold medal from the Muintir na Tíre School Garden competition. Pictured at the awards presentation, were l-r: Sean Finn, Anna Quirke, Mayor of the County of Cork Frank O’Flynn, Cameron O'Neill and Paula Fox.

Castlelyons National School were among those honoured at the Muintir na Tíre Cork School Garden Competition 2024, receiving a gold medal this week, with two representatives heading to County Hall where they received the award in recognition of their School Garden.

Assistant principal Paula Fox, noted that there is great excitement at the school following receipt of the award, having also achieved a Biodiversity Nature Hero Award this year.

“We advocate for biodiversity and helping the bees, butterflies and birds. It helps the children with their learning experience and informs them on biodiversity in their own environment,” Ms Fox said.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition