The Hillside Players are delighted to present ‘Funny Money’ by Ray Cooney this spring.
This is a hilarious comedy which begins when Henry Perkins, a mild mannered C.P.A, accidentally picks up the wrong briefcase, one full of money, he automatically assumes it is illicit cash and he decides to keep it.
Knowing that the former owner must have his briefcase, he rushes home to book one way fares to Barcelona. He tells his confused wife to leave everything behind.
Naturally all does not run smoothly, with certain activities drawing attention to Henry, resulting in an unexpected police call and a detective showing up at the door. Will the owner of the suitcase also track Henry down?
Hilarity ensues as Henry tries to get him and his reluctant wife to the airport, but will they make it?.

We have another fantastic cast this year, which include some new faces, they are, Tom Murphy, Annette Crowley, Paul McCarthy, Ciara Moloney, Maurice Clifford, Adrian Cooke, Pa Collopy, and Clem McAuliffe. This year’s performance is directed by John Shanahan.
It runs from Thursday 2nd to Sunday, 5th February and again from Thursday 9th to Sunday, 12th February in the Community Centre, Ardpatrick. Curtain at 8pm sharp. Admission adults: €10 children €5.
We would encourage you to book to avoid any disappointment, by contacting us on 087-7655771. Lines open Wed – Sun from 5.30 – 7.15pm, on each performance week.
For more information check out our Facebook page
We are looking forward to welcoming you to this year’s performance, we are sure you’ll have a fantastic evening where we guarantee a good laugh to get rid of those January blues! Thank you as always for your continued support.