Creamery heritage centre for Mitchelstown?

Some of those gathered at Thursday's energetic meeting in Forrest Hall. (Pic: Marian Roche)

A public meeting held in Forrest Hall in Mitchelstown last Thursday evening on the tourism potential of the town was attended by a fairly large audience and with proceedings kicking off on time – and finishing on time – the punctuality was matched with a lot of energy in the room, something that isn’t always the case with a public meeting!

Opened by Liz Downes, the meeting was chaired by Ciara O’Brien, who set the tone by declaring that it was ‘really important that we don’t have the loud people taking over’. Saying that the purpose of the meeting was not to ‘dwell on the mistakes of the past’, Ms O’Brien led the 40 or so gathered in an exercise to collate a list of avenues any tourism ventures in Mitchelstown could pursue.

While the old favourites were all given airtime, including St Fanahan’s Well, the workhouse and the site of the castle, much of the conversation centred around unexplored opportunities.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition