Cork City Council is delighted to launch its latest in a series of Heritage publications called “A Guide to Cork City’s Geological Heritage”.
This booklet is an easy guide and introduction to Cork’s geology and is aimed at the general public and the visitor alike.
“A guide to Cork City’s Geological Heritage” takes the reader hundreds of millions of years back in time when the area of Cork was a tropical ocean teeming with life. And to even further back when the area was dominated by large floodplains with some of the first forests on Earth. Rocks with fossils can be found all across the city and they can tell us so much about what the area looked like over a great stretch of time.
This guide has sought to highlight how Cork City has changed over millions of years and how the city has benefitted from its rich rock resources in more recent history.
Geological heritage is not only about how rocks and the history of our planet, but also about us. Through the city’s geological history, we move closer to understanding our city and society and how we came to be where we are right now.
A pdf of this booklet can be downloaded from Publications – Cork City Council. Limited hard copies are available by contacting the Heritage Officer at heritage@corkcity.ie or telephoning 021 4924018.