Bamboos and begonias brighten Fermoy

Fermoy Tidy Towns Committee were busy bees last Saturday as they worked on the second phase of improving the appearance on the approach to Fermoy...

Several water outages locally

Pike Road and surrounding areas of Fermoy saw water outages and traffic disruptions on Monday, December 14 due to valve installation works. There were several...

Nearly 40% of respondents who are blind or vision impaired have...

A new survey conducted among NCBI service users has revealed that approximately 40% of respondents, who are blind or vision impaired, have been injured...

50 years on at Mitchelstown Credit Union

From very humble beginnings, Mitchelstown Credit Union continues to go from strength to strength, and 50 years on - to the very day –...

Blackwater Distillery triumphs at International Wine and Spirit competition

Cappoquin-based Blackwater Distillery has won four major awards at the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC) in London. The Cappoquin company’s flagship Blackwater No....

Kilbehenny suffers sweep of burglaries

A sweep of burglaries took place in Kilbehenny before the new year in which three houses were broken into on the same night.  A Garda...

New Year Motoring Guide

Analysis shows, as highlighted in this week's extensive New Year Motoring Guide, that the average price of a litre of petrol now sits at...

Scientists to rethink how they reconstruct the colour of fossils after...

A UCC-led discovery of new sources of the pigment melanin will force scientists to rethink how they reconstruct the colour of fossil birds, reptiles...

Somalia urgently needs lenten donations says Trócaire

Trocaire is calling on supporters across the region to return their Lenten donations as soon as possible in order to provide life-saving support for...

Corkonians encouraged to ‘Make One Change’

Cork County Council is launching its 'Make One Change' campaign for the month of November to encourage the people of the county to think...

Avondhu Stories
