UCC scientists find a freshwater animal responsible as source of nanoplastics...

Newly published research from UCC is now showing that microplastics (plastic pieces smaller than 5mm) in our freshwaters are being broken down into even...

Saint George sees donations from countries across the globe

The Saint George's Arts & Heritage Centre Donate A Slate campaign has seen a huge interest from places as far flung as New York and...

€30,000 funding for Fermoy Youth Centre ‘like a breath of fresh...

€30,000 in capital grant funding for youth projects, youth services and youth organisations has been allocated to Fermoy Community Youth Centre. News of the funding...

Teagasc has all the right ingredients for a Food Hub

In terms of scale and location the ‘new building’ at Teagasc Moorepark, stands out. Unmissable to passing traffic, this work in progress is officially...

Council video showcases Mitchelstown

https://vimeo.com/447183514 Cork County Council have issued a stunning video of Mitchelstown on its social media channels.  The video shows the town in all its glory with...

Desperate plea to ‘save Mitchelstown’

A councillor has launched a desperate plea to the council to reconsider the placing of bollards blocking parking on streets in Mitchelstown, 'because it...

Complaints against judges revealed

In the last year there have been a total of 19 complaints against judges with four of those complaints lodged in The Avondhu region.  In...

Majority of Irish parents fear their children will contract C-19 in...

RollerCoaster.ie, Ireland’s leading website for the ups and downs of pregnancy, parenting and family life has compiled data from a sample of more than...

Pupils left without school transport

The parents of sixteen young girls in Glenville are distraught that their daughters are being left without transport to Loreto Secondary School in Fermoy. While...

Excitement as countdown begins for school reopening

Victory is in sight for the people of Glenroe and Ballyorgan's campaign to reopen their national school as final building work is under way. This week...

Avondhu Stories
