Busy evening for students and staff of CBS

The Walshs from Kildorrery, pictured at last Thursday's open night in Mitchelstown CBS: Brendan, Louise, Evan, Danny and Cara. (Pic: John Ahern)

Open night season is in full swing and on Thursday last, 17th October, it was the turn of staff and students of Mitchelstown CBS (Secondary) to showcase what it has to offer prospective pupils.

Encouragingly for this progressive school, there was huge interest in, what was a very well organised event with individuals and families from Cork, Tipperary and Limerick taking time to inspect facilities and chat with staff. Visitors also interacted with boys who are currently benefitting from all CBS has to offer.


Mitchelstown CBS has a huge amount to offer in terms of variety of subjects, access to top class facilities, induction days, a range of extra curricular options, lunch time activities (of which there are many) and a very successful mentoring system.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition