Limerick Animal Welfare is appealing for information following an ghastly attack on a dog in the Castlelyons area, in which the animal’s skull was fractured by a hammer or a similar blunt object.
The dog, named Curtis, was struck with such force that bone entered the sinus cavity above his eye. He remains in intensive care and vets are unsure if he will lose his eye as a result of the incident.
“If it was a half an inch further back on his head, the dog would either be brain damaged or dead”
According to Marie Quirke from Limerick Animal Welfare based in Kilfinane, Curtis strayed into a garden last week and was brought to their attention on Sunday evening.
“The dog had a hole on the top of his head, so obviously we got immediate veterinary care for him because he was in horrendous pain,” she said. He was put on a strong painkiller and brought to Gilabbey Vets in Cork.
“As it turned out, thank goodness, he has no brain damage because the skull broke down into the large sinus cavity above his eye, so he was extremely lucky. If it was a half an inch further back on his head, the dog would either be brain damaged or dead. I asked the vet what did she think would have caused the injury, she said probably something like a hammer or something else used to hit into his head, to kill the dog. There are humane ways of putting a dog to sleep rather than hitting him over the head with something,” Marie emphasised.
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition