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Following calls for a special general meeting by Dairygold Milk Suppliers and Shareholders Group, Dairygold has informed The Avondhu that it is to convene a Special General Meeting within the next few days, that meeting to be held in early April.
The Dairygold Milk Suppliers and Shareholders Group has been seeking such a meeting to discuss serious concerns they say they have with the new milk supply agreement and the co-op’s development plans going forward.
It was their intention to convene the SGM themselves later this month if the board of Dairygold hadn’t issued notice that they would call the meeting by this Friday.
Dairygold said however that only the Society can call an SGM, and in any event, it is their intention to do so as outlined. Now that the company has announced that it will do so ‘in the next few days’, The Avondhu has decided not to publish the intended date by the suppliers’ group so as to avoid any unnecessary confusion.
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