Creating pathways in Traveller education

Pictured with their certificates during the Traveller Visibility Group, MIG Welding graduation ceremony, at the Cork College of FET Bishopstown Campus, Bishopstown, Cork were John O'Sullivan, Patrick McDonagh, Gerard McDonagh, Patrick Anthony McDonagh, Darren Corcoran O'Reilly and Darren McCarthy Maguire. (Picture: Jim Coughlan)

Cork College of FET – Bishopstown Campus has celebrated the graduation of Traveller specific welding training programme.

Seven Traveller men have successfully completed a certificate in MIG Welding, this is a continuation on from a previous programme in ARC welding completed by the group in 2023.

The MIG Welding programme was co-designed by Bishopstown Campus and the Traveller Visibility Group to build on the traditional trades, enterprise and craftwork inherent to Traveller heritage. Staff who worked on the programmes completed Traveller Cultural Awareness training in advance of the programmes commencing.

Cork College of FET is committed to breaking down the systematic barriers facing Travellers in education and was honoured to receive a Traveller Ally award from the TVG in 2023 in recognition of the work being done to provide pathways for Traveller men through this course.