The sale of St Patricks week is traditionally a busy week at Corrin mart. With an increase in numbers and an increase of buyers of cattle from grass.
This year, and week, stuck firmly to tradition. We had a great entry of cattle on offer this week at our local mart and a super demand was seen for all lots and weights.
They say numbers bring customers and this adage certainly held true this week. The increase in prices over the last few weeks continued its upwardly trajectory. The quality of the lots was very good but even the plainer lots were in demand and commanded a solid trade throughout.
Dry cow numbers are still very high with an excellent demand for all weights.
Store cows: 400 to 550kgs making from €1.30 per kilo to €1.70 per kilo.
Heavier cows: 550 kgs+ making from €1.40 per kilo up to €1.74 per kilo.
Friesian 645kg €1,080; Hereford 770kg €1,300; Friesian 595kg €900.
Much larger selection and numbers of bullocks on offer this week. Super demand for all lots.
Light stores: under 350kgs made from €1.60 per kilo for plain Friesians up to €2.45 for continental bullocks. With AA/Hereford types making from €2.00 per kilo up to €2.50 per kilo.
Medium stores: 350kgs to 500kgs staring at €1.60 for Friesians up to €2.50 per kilo for continentals. AA/Hereford bullocks made from €2.02 up to €2.35 per kilo.
Frwd stores: 500 to 600kgs. The plainer Friesian started at €1.65 per kilo up to €2.40 per kilo for Continental Hereford/AA made from €2.00 up to €2.25 per kilo.
Heavy bullocks: 600 kgs+. Good demand for heavy bullocks making from €1.75 up to €2.28 per kilo.
AA 506kgs €1,130; AA 384kgs €890; Limousin 495kgs €1,170; Hereford 388kgs €960; Friesian 630kgs €1,130; AA 270kgs €630; AA 405kgs €900.
The ever so slight dip in prices last week recovered to the very strong demand that was enjoyed the week before. Increased demand was seen from all weights.
Store heifers: under 400kgs made from €2.00 up to €2.92 per kilo. AA/Hereford averaged at €2.10 per kilo.
Butchers heifers: 400kgs+. These type heifers made from €2.00 up to €2.40 per kilo, with AA/Hereford averaging at €2.17 per kilo.
Hereford 315kgs €920; AA 300kgs €680; Limousin 585kgs €1,400; Simmental 490kgs €1,110; AA 525kgs €1,140.
Our calf sale is now on Wednesday’s at 1pm. Large numbers of calves are offered every week, trade is still very good even with the increase in numbers Friesian Bulls making €65 up to €200.
Hereford/AA Bulls from €180 to €370 and heifers from €150 to €300. Continental calves from €300 up to €430.
The extraordinary trade for sheep continued this week. Factory sheep making from €2.85 up to €3.40 per kilo and butchers sheep making from €2.90 up to €3.32. With a very strong trade for cull ewes and also ewes with lambs at foot.
50kg €168; 42kg €141; 54kg €174; 62kg €179; 61kg €170.
We had a large dairy sale last Friday with very good quality calved heifers and calves on offer. The average prices of heifers was over €2,000 with prices going from €1,750 to €2,500.
This Friday, March 19 we have another quality dairy sale with 80 calved heifers and cows on offer.
We have our first bull sale of the year next week on Thursday, March 25. This is an online and on farm sale of top quality Pedigree AA bulls from the Clontead herd in Carrigaline. These highly recommended bulls are the property of Mr Eustace Burke, Carrigaline and he can be contacted at 087-9321517 for details and viewing. Delivery of bulls can be deferred for up to 3 weeks after sale if necessary and cost of delivery is included in sale price.
For details and catalogues please contact the mart office at 025-31611.