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Kilmallock/Kilfinane Angling Club have begun an exciting new programme with the support of Limerick City and County Council to encourage and develop the next generation of fly anglers on the River Loobagh.
Since April this year, the club has been hosting a 'Juvenile Wednesday' where youngsters are encouraged to come along to the club and learn the art of fly fishing. Tuition is given by senior members of the club including club chairman, Eamon O’Riordan.
In support of this initiative, councillors Eddie Ryan, Michael Donegan, Gerald Mitchell and Brigid Teefy from the Kilmallock-Cappamore Municipal District, presented the club with nine sets of fly fishing tackle at their training night in the riverside park, Kilmallock on Wednesday last, 3rd June. The tackle was supplied at cost by John Quain of the Anglers Curse Tackle Shop, Main Street, Croom.
Cllr Eddie Ryan from Galbally said he and the councillors were delighted to support the initiative and to see so many young people taking up this wonderful pastime.
“This is one of a number of initiatives which Limerick City and County Council is supporting on the River Loobagh to raise awareness of the biodiversity and value of the river and to develop the potential of the river as a thriving fishery. These initiatives include the recent Streamscapes education programme and an upcoming project to improve the river habitat which will be carried out in partnership between the council, anglers and Inland Fisheries Ireland.”
Eamon O’Riordan thanked the council and gave a heartfelt account of his own lifelong love of fishing which, he said, started with a rod obtained with Greenshield Stamps many years ago.
“I am delighted to see the next generation of fly fishers coming through. Once you catch your first fish, you’ll be hooked for life.”
He also paid tribute to the council for their dedication and commitment to the county’s rivers adding that the club were looking forward to working with them and Inland Fisheries Ireland in future development works which will enhance the river and enable it to achieve its full potential.
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