Will new regulation ban offshore betting in Ireland?

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Offshore betting was and still is very popular in Ireland, but the new gambling regulations and the GRAI might end up making things a bit different, starting with 2024 and beyond. Sports betting has been legal in Ireland since 2015, and people in Ireland are allowed, at least for now, to engage in offshore betting.

However, despite being a favourite pastime for a lot of people, offshore betting has sometimes brought negative sentiment, scams, and a variety of problems. That’s why there’s a new gambling regulation, which brings a variety of changes to the betting ecosystem in Ireland.

What is the GRAI?

The Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland, or the GRAI, is a new statutory body. They are the ones responsible for the regulation and licensing of gambling services in Ireland. It’s an independent body, and it will focus on the wellbeing and public safety of gamblers. Of course, they are the ones that regulate any gambling service in Ireland.

That will cover advertising, gambling apps, or websites as well. They are set to have an overhaul of the hugely popular free bet offers in Ireland that most bookmakers attract new customers with. The new regulation is set to repeal the current laws while streamlining the licensing process.

What are the GRAI functions?

Aside from regulating gambling activities and services, the GRAI has other functions as well. They will develop safeguards in an effort to protect consumers from gambling addiction. They also establish the Social Impact Fund and National Gambling Exclusion Register in order to educate people and research gambling addiction.

Moreover, the GRAI will focus on receiving and handling complaints regarding gambling services, license gambling activities, determining licensing fees, and many others. The GRAI also has a role in informing the Minister of Justice of any licensing and regulation developments.

Gambling licenses that can be acquired by companies

According to the GRAI, they will introduce three types of licenses you can obtain for online or in-person betting.

  • The first type of license will be a business-to-business license, which allows companies to provide gambling-related solutions to other businesses.
  • Then, we also have a business-to-consumer lottery, betting, and gaming licenses. These will focus specifically on services provided directly to consumers.
  • The final license type will be gambling licenses provided specifically for charitable or philanthropic causes.

What are the main changes brought by the Gambling Regulation Bill from 2022?

The new gambling bill created in 2022 will go into effect this year with some changes. Some of the main highlights include:

  • Bingo is not treated as a different form of gambling
  • The Bill covers private club members, and these clubs need a license to operate any gambling activities.
  • The suppliers of gambling services or products will all need to have a license in order to operate.
  • There are advertising restrictions when it comes to how gambling services are advertised. In addition, consent will be required for receiving any ads, and the focus is on allowing these adds to be blocked without any hassle.

A focus on the offshore/remote gambling market

The new Bill and GRAI are introducing remote lottery and gaming licensing. In order to safeguard the system, the Bill will focus on imposing obligations on these remote gambling licenses. The person who uses these services needs to open a gambling account with the licensee, and the licensee needs to make an entry in the register of account holders.

Moreover, a register of account holders needs to be maintained. The licensee also needs to provide the necessary terms and conditions, and the account holder needs to be notified about any changes. Those companies that have remote gambling licenses also need to have a system in place to prevent children from engaging in any gambling activities. The Bill also focuses on prohibiting gambling activities on certain times or days, something that will be further touched-upon.

Is the new regulation going to ban offshore betting? Not completely, but there will be new regulations to ensure the safety of local players, more specifically, children. With more and more cases of addiction being discovered in Europe and also all over the world, the introduction of such a bill and a new regulatory system is very helpful. It will alleviate major concerns while finally bringing a new governing body that will help circumvent any unlawful companies in the world of gambling!