‘Why Hedgerows Matter’ sees strong turnout

Hedge laying specialist, Richard Markham giving a demonstration at the recent event in Cashel. (Photo: Sean Maher and Louise Lalor)

Around 150 people Tipperary-side took to Pat Maher’s dairy farm in Cashel recently to attend a number of demonstrations and talks relating to ‘Why Hedgerows Matter’.

Held in conjunction with Hedgerows Ireland – a Tipperary-based national group dedicated to all aspects of hedgerows including promotion, conservation, management and payments – the event proved a popular one.

Hedgerows are increasingly considered to be our most important landscape feature in view of the range of services they provide which include carbon storage, biodiversity; flood, drought and soil protection; shelter, shade, pest control, landscape definition, as well as natural beauty. All these roles, however, depend directly on how hedges are managed.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition