What are the Best Ways to Build a Strong Remote Work Force?

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Remote work is on the rise, with around 44 per cent of people in the UK working from home at least some of the time. Business owners need to get used to this new reality and embrace the fact that a portion of their workforce may be putting in their hours away from the office.

There are various ways to build a strong remote workforce, and modern technology has made it possible for this form of employment to be just as efficient as working in an office.

How to Manage Remote Teams

One of the main challenges that business owners initially face when developing a remote workforce is staff management. When in an office situation, it’s easy to get people together for meetings. Making sure they’re on task is also simple, because you can walk around and check everyone is doing their work. This isn’t as straightforward in an online scenario, but there are other ways around it.

Nowadays, there are plenty of online tools and communication channels that make it possible to work remotely as a team. Services like Microsoft Teams and Slack allow for real-time collaboration, and Zoom is the go-to option when it comes to having face-to-face meetings. As technology improves, there will be even more ways to make sure remote teams work together efficiently. Virtual reality could play a major role in this, as it could allow people to feel as though they are working in the same digital setting.

What to Look for From Applicants

When it comes to cultivating your remote workforce, it’s important to know what to look for from applicants. You want your team members to be self-motivated so that they don’t need your constant input and guidance. They should be ambitious, and able to meet deadlines. When going through applicants’ CVs, these are key attributes to look for.

In the modern age, there are CV writing tools that candidates can use to give themselves a strong chance of landing a job. These allow them to put in their key credentials and have a beautifully crafted CV written for them. Employers should look for CVs that are done to a high standard like this, as it helps separate the wheat from the chaff.

Fostering a Collaborative Culture

All business owners will attest to the benefits of a collaborative workforce culture, but this can be more challenging to foster in an online setting. There are ways to get past this in the digital age, though. For instance, you can organise online team-building events that incorporate quiz games in a Zoom situation.

Business owners need to set clear goals and expectations with remote workers, such as outlining the team’s goals to ensure everyone is working towards the same targets. There could be incentives in place for people who meet deadlines and work well with other remote team members.

It’s time for business owners to face the reality that, over the next few years, a much higher number of people will start working remotely. By putting the systems in place to allow them to flourish now, you can set yourself up for success in the future.